"Not sayin' I'm the best. . . but 'til they find somethin' better, I am here, no fear, write me a letter. . ." -3 Stacks
New Era (eFashion Solutions)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Why am I a hater, cause we don't agree? ...Shut up already.

I get called a hater so many times a day, it has lost any sort of sting. . . and/or amusement it might have once had. Now I am just left wondering, why the fuck does everyone think I'm a hater? Let's examine this shit.

The definition of 'hater' when dictionary.com'd is the same as 'hate', which is as follows:

Hater - 3 dictionary results

–verb (used with object)
to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
to be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it.

–verb (used without object)
to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility.

intense dislike; extreme aversion or hostility.
the object of extreme aversion or hostility

There, now that we have cleared that up, we all have a fuller understanding of what a hater is. Or do we? I mean, if that's the definition, basically, someone who dislikes something intensely, aren't we ALL haters? I don't know one person. . . nan nigga. . . that don't dislike some musician intensely. Let's be real, there is some rapper, or beat maker, or fake ass wannabe rapper/beat maker, that, if that mothafucka walked in front of your 91' Toyota Tercel, you might be tempted to run they ass over. I'm just sayin'.

My point in all this is, enough with all the fuckin' hater talk. Why don't you, next time you decide to act like a little school girl and call someone a hater, instead, act like an adult, and have a real conversation with them about whatever it is ya'll disagree on. If they think Lil Wayne is a waste of space/oxygen/dreadlocks/facial tattoos/etc, and you think he is the second coming of Christ, why not, instead of screaming 'HATER' and then stomping off with a false sense of accomplishment, why don't you say 'hey there motherfucker, why don't you like Weezy? Cause I think he is the cat's pajamas!'. Then. . . you guys could do this weird thing nerds sometimes do. . . you could have an intelligent conversation. WOW. Then. . . and this is the REALLY shocking part. . . then you could hear what they have to say, and they can hear what you have to say. You guys might end up changing each others minds, or learning some new things, or just gaining respect for an opinion that's different than yours. Imagine that! Or. . . you could just call them a hater and go on about your unreasonable and incredibly annoying way.

So, sure. Maybe I am a hater. Maybe I'm a hater because I don't think Jay-z makes good music. . . or because I think Gucci is a talentless hack. . . or because I don't get what everyone loves about Drake. . . or whatever. . . But, maybe, just maybe, I have good reasoning behind those opinions. . . in which case, am I still a hater? If simply disliking something makes you a hater, we should just stop calling people haters all together, because it's about as appropriate as telling someone they're alive. . . like, duh, I know.

I think we should reserve the term 'hater' for those who dislike something intensely. . . but for no apparent reason, other than that they just do. Hate with no logic, reasoning, or. . . well. . . sense. . . that constitutes being a hater. No wait, that constitutes being an asshole. Honestly, I am starting to feel like this 'hater' terminology is veritably useless.

Actually. . . and this literally just dawned on me. . . do you want to know who the REAL haters are? People who walk around calling everyone haters. If you own a 'Hi Haters' shirt, or you walk around saying shit like 'You aren't really a success unless you have haters', you should just come to terms with the fact that you, my friend (that was a lie, we ain't friends), are a fucking HATER. You hate on people for disagreeing with you, or because they don't like your shit, then not only are you a dumb ass, but you are actually the reason the term hater exists. So. . . listen. . . let's try this. . . the next time you are about to call someone a hater. . . for whatever undoubtedly stupid reason. . . instead of saying to them, just walk over to the nearest reflective object (like a mirror) and repeat after me: "I'm a hater". That will make everyone happy, trust me. Or. . . it will make no one happy, but I won't have to listen to you call me a hater so. . . who really cares if everyone is happy, cause I will be.

I guess the intended outcome of this rant was for you to understand this: I'm not a hater. You're taste in music just sucks. . . I'm sorry that it hurts, but calling me a hater doesn't change anything. . . That is all.

Blogger commentary: None of this 'hater' talk applies with sports, this is Hip Hop oriented ONLY. I am free to hate whatever sports team I want for whatever reason. . . or no reason at all. Those are the rules. Google it.

1 comment:

  1. 'hey there motherfucker, why don't you like Weezy? Cause I think he is the cat's pajamas!' Good one.
