"Not sayin' I'm the best. . . but 'til they find somethin' better, I am here, no fear, write me a letter. . ." -3 Stacks
New Era (eFashion Solutions)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Segment: Consumer X

So, since this is a brand spankin' new blog, shit is going to be added to it all the time. . . some of that shit is going to be segments. . . the first segment I am gonna hit ya'll assholes with is called 'Consumer X'. Basically, 'Consumer X' is an interview segment where I interview people that I feel have valid opinions (I know. . . me? Thinking someone besides myself has a valid opinion? Who the fuck knew!), even though they aren't really in the music business. . . It's my opinion that, even though you wouldn't know this by talking to people on Twitter, not EVERYONE is a rapper, or a producer, etc. . . those people, though clearly lesser beings than their musically oriented counterparts, have opinions too. . . and perhaps every once in a while they should be heard. . . thus, 'Consumer X'. . . Enjoy fucktards!

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